Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How To Export ACT! Contact Data to Microsoft Outlook

To move your ACT! Contact data to Microsoft Outlook, you must export the desired ACT! contacts as a text delimited (.CSV) file, and then import this information to Microsoft Outlook.

Exporting From ACT!
Follow the steps below to export ACT! contacts as a Text Delimited (.CSV) file:

1. To move all your contact records, click theFile menu, and then click Export. The Export Wizard launches.
Note: If the Welcome to the Export Wizard panel appears, enable the Check to hide in the future option (if desired), and then click Next. The Specify Destination dialog box appears:

2. Click into the What type of file do you want to export to? field, and then click Text Delimited from the list.

3. Click the Browse button at the Filename and location field. An Open dialog box appears.

4. Browse to your Windows Desktop, and enter a name for this text delimited file in the File name field.

5. Click the Files of Type drop-down arrow, and then click Comma Separated Values (*.CSV)from the list, and then click Open. The Specify Destination dialog box re-appears with theFilename and location field now populated with the name and destination of your .CSV file.

6. Click Next. The Specify record type(s) dialog box appears:

7. Ensure that the Contact Records option is enabled in the What kind of records would you like to export? section, and that the appropriate option is enabled in the Which records do you want to export? section, and then click Next. The Specify export options dialog box appears:

8. Ensure that Comma is enabled in the Select field separator section, and the Yes, export field names option is enabled, and then click Next. The Contact Map dialog box appears:

9. Remove or re-order fields as desired, and then click Next. The Completing Export Wizardmessage appears:

Hint: If you change the field mapping and anticipate performing this export again, you can click the Save Map button to preserve the mapping work. If this is done, the next time you arrive at the Contact Map, you can click the Load Map button to call up the desired field map.

To import data from a text file, follow these steps: 

For Outlook 2010:
  1. Click the File tab, and then select Open.
  2. Select Import.
  3. In the Choose an action to perform list, click Import from another program or file, and then click Next.
  4. In the Select file type to import from list, click the file type that matches your data, and then click Next.
  5. In the File To Import box, type the path and the file name of the file that you want to import, or click Browse to locate the file, and then click Next.
  6. In the Select Destination Folder list, click the folder that you want to import to, and then click Next.
  7. Confirm that the destination folder is correct, and then click Finish.
For Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2003:

  1. On the File menu, click Import And Export.
  2. In Choose an action to perform, click Import from another program or file, and then click Next.
  3. In Select file type to import from, click the file type that matches your data, and then click Next.
  4. In File To Import, type the path and file name of the file that you want to import, or click Browse to navigate to the file, and then click Next.
  5. In Select Destination Folder, click the folder that you want to import to, and then click Next.
  6. Confirm that the destination folder is correct, and then click Finish.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

"No Writable WD SmartWare Partition Found" error

Windows 7 includes a built in utility known as Disk Management that can be used to format a hard drive. To format the drive with Disk Management, follow these steps:

1. Click on Start and right-click Computer.

2. Click on Manage.

3. You will get a window called Computer Management with two panes. On the left pane under Storage, click on Disk Management. This will load the right pane. You may need to maximize the windows to see all your drives.

4. In the lower right pane, you should see a list of all available drives/devices. Find the drive listing that corresponds to the one that you want to partition and format. It typically has a black bar indicating unallocated space.

If there is a blue bar, then the drive has already been partitioned and formatted. Make sure, that if you have data on the drive, you back it up before proceeding. Once you are ready to proceed, right-click on the blue bar and choose Delete Volume. You will get a pop-up window asking you if you really want to delete the partition. Click Yes. The bar should now be black.

5. Right-click on the black bar to see a menu of available options. Left-click on New Simple Volume.

6. The Welcome to the New Simple Volume Wizard will appear. Left-click on Next to proceed to the next screen.

7. This is where you can set a partition on the drive. By default Windows chooses the whole drive so you can left-click on Next.

8. Choose the drive letter that you want the drive to have. By default Windows will choose the next available drive letter. Then click on Next.

9. This is the format screen. Make sure that the File System is set to NTFS. The Allocation Unit Size should be left at its default value. In the Volume Label field you can give the drive a name if you want. Check the box that says Perform a Quick Format so that Windows will format the drive quickly. Then click on Next.

10. The next screen gives you a confirmation of all the steps that you just went through. Click on Next.

11. The listing for the drive (Disk 1 in the picture below) will say Formatting as it formats the drive.

12. When the drive is done (Disk 1 in the picture below) the bar will be blue and the drive will say Healthy.