Saturday, August 29, 2009

NComputing: Updated X-series vSpace releases for Microsoft update KB956572

This notice is to advise that NComputing has released X-series vSpace updates on April 24 to allow the installation of Microsoft KB956572, the releases are:
X-series: X550 and X350 4.04.006
X300 4.03.102
We notified you regarding an incompatibility with the Microsoft update KB956572 and NComputing vSpace software (see below). We have updated our software for the X-series to be compatible with this Microsoft patch and our new software is available now.

You can download the NComputing software update in either of the following two ways:
1. For the X300, X350 or X550 run the NComputing update utility on your NComputing host systems. This utility will download the setup software for the appropriate version of vSpace for your hardware.

Updating vSpace or Terminal Services Software:
Once you have successfully completed the registration process, you can update the terminal services program directly over the Internet by selecting “NCX-2000-XP Internet Update” or vSpace update from the “Start” menu. (If the “Enter Password” window appears, enter the administrator password.)
Click the “Connect” button to check for a software update and click on the “Download” button to start the download process.
When the download is complete, the installation of the new version will begin; just follow in the instructions in the installation wizard.

2. For the X550/X350 you can login and download the software directly from the Software Download Center in the Support section of our website. Please note that if you have not already done so, you will be prompted to create an online account to access the software this way.
IMPORTANT: During the update process you will be prompted to uninstall the current version of NComputing software – when doing so, be sure to keep your registration data active (do NOT select “unregister” when prompted).
Once you have installed the updated NComputing software, you can proceed to install the Microsoft KB956572 patch, if desired. Again, we recommend that you turn off automatic Microsoft updates so that you can first confirm and/or test compatibility with all of your installed software applications before deploying them.

Previous Announcement
Microsoft OS Automatic Update Incompatibility (KB956572)

This notice is to advise that on April 14, Microsoft released eight updates for the Windows operating system that are known to affect 3rd party software. One of these eight updates (KB956572) is incompatible with NComputing vSpace software for the X-series and L-series. For more information from Microsoft on these new updates, please see the following articles:
Update Summary:
Microsoft Security Bulletin:

It is clear that these updates were expected to affect numerous independent software vendor’s (ISV) applications as Microsoft has provided an extensive set of Q & A information to assist ISVs in working around the resulting issues. This information is included in this article: Microsoft does not give most 3rd party ISV's advanced notice of these updates.

Symptoms of Incompatibility:
After installing these updates, NComputing users are encountering several major symptoms. With NComputing L series access devices, an attempt to connect to the host will result in a "Terminal Server not ready..." error message. With X -series systems, the screens repeatedly "flash" and briefly display a "winlogon terminated" error message.

While an NComputing patch for this issue is being developed, the recommended workaround is to remove the one Windows update causing the issue. The other seven Microsoft updates can remain in place. To remove the update causing this issue, please take the following steps:
1) Open the "Start Menu"
2) Open "Control Panel"
3) Open "Add/Remove Programs"
4) Check the box marked "Show updates"
5) Locate and select the Microsoft Security Update "KB956572"
6) Click "Remove"
7) Confirm removal of the update
8) Reboot your computer.
NComputing is working to understand the changes made by these Microsoft OS updates. As soon as we have an NComputing software update, we'll make it available through our standard update process.

Best Practice to Avoid Similar Issues in the Future:
NComputing recommends that administrators and users do not set their operating system to automatically accept and install Microsoft updates. It is best to manually download and install the updates only after it can be confirmed that any third party software that you are using is unaffected. This is especially important for large installations and it is recommended to test the updates on a single system first before deploying to all host computers.

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